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About VER de TERRE

    The Danish premium brand VER de TERRE has been designing children's clothing since 1993. The brand was founded by Karin Brandt, who still owns and runs the business from the office in Charlottenlund. With training from Kolding's Design School and La Chambre Syndicale de la Haute Couture Parisiènne, Karin has a strong professional design background and aesthetics, and it was this that drove her when, in the early 90s, she had to admit that nice, classic jumpsuits for children were a shortage. Outerwear is a big investment for families with children and therefore good quality is essential, but in Karin's universe, quality can be combined with classic neatness and high aesthetics. And then you can always add a fun hat or a pair of colorful mittens.
    With the vision for its products in place, VER de TERRE became a reality, and what started as one-off productions for one's own children quickly spread to the circle of friends and soon there was demand from near and far. Production initially took place in sewing rooms in Copenhagen and then North Jutland, but as interest grew, it became important to seek production partners outside the country's borders with greater capacity as well as more experience and expertise in technical outerwear to ensure the highest possible quality.
    Today, VER de TERRE continues to be run on the basis of the well-known strong design profile and responsible principles regarding production conditions and quality – to the delight of even more children and their families.

    Value Manifest

    Since 1993, VER de TERRE has designed and marketed luxury children's clothing, and the brand is known for its timeless quality products and solid design principles. VER de TERRE products are designed to allow children to move freely and concentrate on what is most important: Just being kids and having fun.
    All VER de TERRE products go through a long series of processes before they become the products that you and your children love; processes that take place in different parts of the world and send materials and products on a journey through many skilled and treasured hands. VER de TERRE recognizes the impact and responsibility we have to all people who handle our products at any part of the journey, and we want to engage with them in a responsible, decent and ethical way.
    Therefore, we carefully apply and promote VER de TERRE's values ​​and principles throughout our supply chain to continuously improve conditions and promote the know-how and mindset of all our partners.
    VER de TERRE's values ​​and principles are inspired by the 10 principles of the UN Global Compact. These principles cover 4 areas – Human Rights, Labor Market, Environment and Anti-corruption – and are derived from the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work, the Rio Declaration on Environment and Development and the UN Convention against Corruption.

    Human rights

    Every human life has value. VER de TERRE supports and respects the protection of internationally proclaimed human rights, and we take ongoing steps to ensure that we are not complicit in human rights violations.


    In our time, work is a central part of human life, participating and contributing to our communities and supporting our families. VER de TERRE is dedicated to the abolition of all forms of forced and compulsory labour, the effective abolition of child labour, the abolition of discrimination in employment and occupation, and we support freedom of association and the effective recognition of the right to collective bargaining.


    We only have one planet and we each have a responsibility to look after it in a way that allows future generations to experience and enjoy nature, the oceans, the forests and the biodiverse wildlife that inhabit it. VER de TERRE supports one preventive approach to environmental challenges, we take initiatives to promote greater environmental responsibility, and we encourage the development and spread of environmentally friendly technologies.


    Trust, transparency and ethics are such important key concepts in all human interaction and playing by the same rules is essential to ensuring a fairer world for all. VER de TERRE works against corruption in all its forms, including extortion and bribery.

    Animal welfare

    Not only human life has value and should be treated with decency and respect. VER de TERRE supports the five freedoms for animal welfare:

    Freedom from hunger and thirst

    Freedom from discomfort

    Freedom from pain, injury or disease

    Freedom to express normal behavior

    Freedom from fear and distress

    Designed for children to move freely and concentrate on:

    just being children and having fun